2007-05-07 10:37:50 UTC
- with the no-handchecking thing, which allows opponents to -play loose defense so that teams like the suns can light up the scoreboard.
-then to make them not waste that much energy on defense, he allowedd zone defense so that teams can spend more energy on offense and get into their transition game quickly.
- Every time someone just breathes into a vicinity of a player, they get called for a foul.
But more than that, David Stern changed the frickin game entirely just to kiss up to jerry/brian colangelo's A S S for takin the initiative in putting USA basketball together for olympics, world championship tournamets, etc...what a loser
Suns get away with flopping on almost 1/2 of every defensive possession...once in a while its ok, but I mean almost ALL THE TIME JUSS KILLS ME...they're cheating the game and destroyin the integrity of the game by not playing true honest defense and juss flopping