There are a few reasons why I stopped watching the NBA 2 Years ago.
1) When a company has a dress code for players as they WALK in the building, that's called "Selling out". Stern tried to say that if corporations refused to advertise because athletes wore jeans, sandals, t shirts, and gold chains INTO THE DRESSING ROOM TO GET CHANGED. Sorry, but if a company refuses to advertise because Lebron doesn't have a collared shirt on when he steps out of his limo, that company is playing a BS game. Not many white guys in their 50s-60s even watch NBA right now.
2) When Stern said he roots for NY & LA every year to be in the Finals because they are the 2 largest markets. The Commissioner is supposed to be fair and balanced?
3) Things like the Spurs-Suns suspensions. Bruce Bowen will get MVP of this series because he kneed Nash in the "package", and not receive a suspsension. If you add up the suspensions, you get 2 games off for a reserve, and 2 games off for starters. Isn't it the Spurs that instigated the fight? If Stern/Stu Jackson want San Antonio to win so much, why not just call the Series over and advance them? When it's San Antonio-Detroit in the Finals, and Will & Grace reruns beat the Finals in ratings, I'll be laughing my butt off.
4) Finally, Laker fan killed NBA for me. Lakers have not been an upper tier team in years. Faker fans were saying "Phoenix beat us this year, but we were the better team". You lost in FIVE! It wasn't just one bad call. When Kobe scores 60 and you lose by 12, you go around work saying "Man Kobe was awesome. We lost, but he scored 60."