Did'nt I just ask this question?.......................
anyway's...........even after his first NBA championship!..MJ thought about retiring...why?...because he believed his own HYPE!..he thought he could go play baseball and excel!....
yep!..His plan was to go play baseball..resurect the sport..and HYPE up his legacy!......and if he failed...so what?..the Bulls would probably suck so bad that he could come back and be a hero!........
what happened?....MJ goes and plays Minor league Baseball(he should have never been on his minor league team, But Jerry Reinsdorf owned the BULLS and The White Sox..so he gave MJ a free pass)..MJ sucks!!..I mean Sucks at Baseball!
the Bulls who had a 57 - 25 with Jordan (the year before) ..put up a 55 - 27 Record WITHOUT MJ!!...Scottie Pippen..BJ Armstrong and Horrace Grant are all Allstars...and Scottie Pippen becomes only the second player ever to lead his team in all statistical catagory's(not done since dave Cowens).....they lose a game 7 to the NY Knicks(who went to the Finals)....If not for a Horrible call in game 6 the Bulls would have went to there 4 th straight Finals...all without MJ!..
the next year 95' ..the Bulls are playing great in the second Half of the season!..there Rolling! along and the Playoff's are only a month away!.......
Hows MJ doing?......he's still Sucking!..I mean after a year and a half..one would think he would show some improvement...right?...wrong!...He still sucks....so what does he do?....He Quits!.....so much for his" will to win"..lol
he see's the BULLS are playing well!..so what does he do?....well he's afraid the Bulls would win a Title without him..so he comes back!...he Ballhog's his way to a First round exit vs the Magic!..he made the Bulls worse!.......they did better the year before ..without Him!..........next year ..they add Rodman!..and few other Roll players..and the media as usual makes $$ off of his Dunks and gives him the credit!
2 easy!
Gary C.........ummmm...winning three Titles????...that's why he retired?...I thought MJ had a crazy will to Compete!???..
Bill Russell won 8 Titles in a row.....he still wanted more!..
Magic Johnson went to 9 NBA titles and won 5!..he still wanted more!..Larry Bird went to 5 Finals and won 3..He was trying everything in the book to Keep competeing!......Your saying MJ..the soposedly G.O.A.T...wins 3 Titles and is Done!......anybody who believes that is a Moron!....MJ actually thought he could save Baseball!.......he believed his own false Hype the Media was pouring down everybody's throat!!!........He was thinking about Retiring in 92'!!!!..2 years..before his dad passed away!..........he thought the Bulls would struggle without Him....They DID'NT!..they only dropped 2 games!......MJ = a Product of Nike.......
the Biggest Ballhog the NBA has ever seen!.....they told evryone to "be like Mike"......Kid's did!.....Now the NBA is suffering!..and USA is Losing every year in the Olympics!!!!....
MJ ruined the NBA..Forever!!!..........
Like NIKE.....if I could Be Like NIKE!!!..I..I..mean MIKE!.....
2 easy!