You can take 2 steps to the basket whereever you are on the court, as long as you stop right after that and don't dribble again.
I'm going to give you a full workout. It includes Gym (upper body [pecs, shouldars, back, biceps, etc.,.] on monday and friday, and upper body [legs, abs, etc.,] on tuesday and saturday. The leg program automaticly includes the vertical program people constantly thank me for. And to sum it up, i've thrown in a basketball workout to improove your game. Good Luck!
Flat bench press 10x5
Incline bench press 10x5
Pull ups, palm down 1xMax(10^)
Pull ups, palm up 8x4
Dips, 10x5
Flat shouldar bench, 1x10
standing shouldar raise, 1x10
military press 10x5
Leg raises 1x5
Fingertip pullups 2xMax
Fingertip hangs 1x1:00
Curls 20x5
Squats 1x10
Squats, hands in fron 30x15
Jumping Squats 20x10
360 degree jumps 1x10
Knee raises 1x30
Crunches 1x30
Reverse crunches 1x30
Cycles 1x30
Leg on couch crunches 1x30
Tip toe raises w/ ankles 100x50
Wall sits 1x1:00
Fingertip Pushups 20x5
Perfect pushups, 40x10
Fingertip curls 1x20
Seated Calf raises 40x20
Practice Basketball every day of the week with the following routine: It'll get you good in all aspects of play. If you want, take sunday off. No other days.
**********Starting up**********
10 made free throws
5 under leg crossovers to mid-ranged shot.
20 drops, perfect.
Scissor drill backwards, outside-in
Scissor drill backwards, inside-out
Scissor drill forward, outside-in
Scissor drill forward, inside-out
Scissor drill skips in place
Saddle-flip to 20
V-dribble in front, 3 on each side
One handed throw under one leg-pick ups
Running- forward & back then crossovers, double under legs, spider.
Walking-behind back, nonstop
Toss up & catch behind
Stiff-armed up & down tips
Bouncing Juggle
Zigzag behind back
Two ball dribbling-running, same & different, and low + high.
**********Post Work**********
5 Sprinter layups, bank, each side.
5 Sprinter layups, swish, each side.
Mikan drill to 20
5 pivots, each side
5 back-in hooks
2 moving-jump hooks
10 foul shots
30 shots using pivot foot, shot fake.
20 more quick release jumpers
9 banks shots
10 high release jumpers
10 left handed jumpers
20 3 pointers
Plus one, minus two.
********** Follow up**********
10 suicides
Run stairs
If you don't understand ANY of those handles due to their name, if you can give me best ask what to explain on in detail and i'd be more than glad.