How do i condition enough to know im in good shape for basketball?
2006-02-13 16:54:10 UTC
i love basketball.
Ten answers:
2006-02-13 18:31:22 UTC
We ran 2 miles a day every day before tryouts. That increased our endurance. I did that for a few months. The first days of tryouts is all running. Then you also work on your side to side motion to increase your footspeed for defending. Then you do Mikan drills to hone your offensive basketball skills. Try dribbling a tennis ball, once you get the feel for a tennis ball, replacing it with a basketball is just that much easier. Thats what I did anyway and it worked so well. You should also lift weights at least 2 times a week. About running every day, you should do it at least 5 times a week. Then just eat healthy.
2006-02-13 17:40:20 UTC
Start running a lot, and once you can do several suicides w/o feeling too out of breath, you are running-wise able. You should also jump rope or jump up and down to get in shape for rebounds. Practice dribbling and shooting. ONce you can execute all of these things well, you will be in great shape for basketball. Take this from someone whose played bball all their life.
2006-02-13 18:07:38 UTC
You need to run A LOT. I'd suggest suicides (baseline-free throw, baseline-half court, baseline-opposite free throw, baseline-opposite baseline [that is one suicide]). You wanna practice your shooting too. A good way to warm-up for a game is to not jump when you shoot in practice before the game. I think what that does is gives you more hops during the actual game. I'm gonna be getting ready for basketball during the summer, so maybe we can train each other. But seriously, if you find something else that helps, please email me and tell me about it.
2016-05-20 02:59:00 UTC
That is a very personal question. Do you feel healthy? Do you feel like your body is in the best shape it can be? Do you think your body is ready to perform at the level you need it to? A person can always be healthier, but if being healthier takes over your life and doesn't allow you to enjoy yourself or your good health, you may benefit more from allowing yourself to relax.
2006-02-13 17:24:45 UTC
u mean physically or if u are good enough? well to see how good are u, shoot some hoops about 20 from different angles and different distances.and check your ball handling to the physical theme and to be in shape to do all that stuff above, run some laps, do some suicides, some jumping jacks and simple stuff like that. hope i helped!!
2006-02-13 16:55:30 UTC
Run suicides... and lots of them. If you don't know what they are, watch coach carter. But basically what they are is you start at one baseline, and run out to the free throw line and touch it, then back to the baseline, then to the 3 point line, then back, then half court, then back, then full court and back. THAT is one suicide. Do at least 10 or 20 a day.
2006-02-13 18:27:52 UTC
Find a friend that is better at basketball and play against them as much as possible....and push yourself hard every time you build stamina run and jump rope....Hope this helps good luck
2006-02-13 18:18:11 UTC
play lots of ball and go jogging once in awhile. Try to work on your shooting and offense and defense. try hard to focous on just having fun
2006-02-13 17:03:25 UTC
try to put a few balls in the basket and if almost gets in, then you are in shape!
2006-02-13 16:55:09 UTC
ask someone or try playing and see what happens

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