1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
28 answers:
2007-05-11 23:43:25 UTC
Kobe Bryant isn't overrated he's just kind of out of control. Every other superstar player, on winning teams have definitive roles. Duncan scores in the low post, rebounds, and defends the paint. Nash pushes the pace and finds easy buckets for teammates. Dirk is a great mid/long range scorer and solid rebounder. Every Piston starter has a role as well!

Kobe does whatever the hell he wants. He doesn't do one thing extremely well, except dominate the ball. So where does that leave his teammates? Most of the time their wondering what their roles are. Should I spot up and look for the open shot tonight because Kobe is in a I want to get 10 assist tonight mood, or should I expend all my energy on defense because Kobe wants to score 70 tonight? When one player dominates the ball like Kobe does he weakens his team. He doesn't let them develop any skill, continuity or confidence. Also because he expends so much energy on offense he admits to taking possesions off on defense, which isn't fair to the rest of the team either. Phil Jackson is also at fault for this because he lets it happen. He needs to give this team an identity, instead of getting frustrated when things go south and letting Kobe run wild.
2007-05-12 00:11:59 UTC
r u freaking kidding me yes kobe is overrated big freakin deal 5.0 rebounds 5.0 assists and 31 PPG LOL LEBRON HAD BETTER STATS LAST YEAR.LBJ had 31.4 PPG last year and 7.0 rebounds and 7.4 assists,kobe compares nothing to LBJ and LBJ is only 21 just wait until LBJ gets in his prime.the only reason kobe is good is because hes in his prime,remember his rookie years when he always aired the ball jeese guys michael jordan was good in his rookie years and Kobe cant win anything without shaq.Forgot to add nobody likes Kobe's attitude,Shaq left because of his attitude and so did gary payton n fisher n horry thats not MJ material and i'm telling u that anyone whos played for 10 years with shaq,fisher,horry and learns from them will be as good as kobe so i'm not impressed,if kobe was good as this in his rookie years then i'd be impressed like LBJ but kobe is in his prime which explains y he is good and its just not surprising.
2007-05-11 23:30:17 UTC
Fisher left for money and Robert left because the Lakers thought he was done. Kobe is a bona fide star. He screwed up with the Shaq thing and some other stupid things but he is something. I'm not a fan of him but if he were playing for my team I would be very happy!
2007-05-11 23:08:52 UTC
see thas the problem im tired of you kobe haters kobe bryant is the best player in the nba no one works harder than him no one his the fire he does shaq aint othin without kobe either shaq didnt win nothin wit penny did he ok didnt think so if you think the lakers should trade the best player in the league then you dont know basketball very well he didnt have much talent around him this year but well sign a free agent in the offseason bynum will develop some more hopefully next year we could stay healthy and well see kobe lead the lakers to a nba championship
2007-05-11 23:04:59 UTC
I'm not totally sure about Kobe, but back in the day- I thought Drew Bledsoe was totally overrated for The New England Patriots.

Everyone said his stats were off the hook, but every time I watched that slug get sacked or not complete a pass during a regular NFL season, it only fueled my opinion.

Finally the management/Belichick (sp?) agreed and let Brady take the field- and with good faith and reason.

Turns out, my guy friends were working on his stats as a school player and NOT an NFL player- I rarely saw that dude exceed my expectations. It could be the same case for what you observe with Kobe. Good luck if he plays for your team!!
2007-05-11 23:47:12 UTC
As most here on Yahoo Answers know, I dislike Kobe Bryant, but I wouldn't say that he is overrated. He's a terrific talent, and a future hall of fame player. Don't forget, before he let his ego get the best of him, he won three rings with Shaq.
2007-05-12 03:29:13 UTC

All of these Laker/Kobe/Rapist fans argue that it's the team's fault for not bringing in better players.

But the team HAS brought in better players, Kobe is just so selfish that he drives them all out, either by his selfishness on the court (see Caron Butler) or off of it (see Shaq, Malone, Payton, etc). The lakers have tried all they can to accomodate this selfish bastard, you saw they brought in a great versatile shooter Radmanavic and you saw what happened when kobe refused to pass him the ball.

Yes, any "superstar" who can only guide his team to 42 wins but still somehow make it on the 1st team is definitely overrated.
2007-05-11 22:59:39 UTC
Quit hating on Kobe Bryant.... he is not overrated.. he is the best player in the NBA he plays both ends of the floor.. that is why is 1st team All NBA teamer and 1st team All NBA defender.... you need to understand... he has not done anything because he has no one on his team... and plus he plays in the wester conference.. Im pretty sure if Kobe played in the eastern conference he would get alot further in the playoffs.... so dont talk trash ... when you know all this is true... if your a hater...your stupid because you dont understand Kobe Bryant is the best player of our generation after Jordan. And do not say Lebron or Wade.. because those guys have done nothing yet.

Kobe Bryant is in his prime and once he gets a little help he and his team will be unstoppable.. its just a matter of time..

plus Kobe is too much of a competitor to not get back to the NBA finals.. he has the killer instinct no one else in the NBA has.
2016-09-05 21:46:31 UTC
On my record MJ is quantity two all time, whose quantity one? good it is none instead of the exceptional Magic Johnson. Kobe isn't hyped up however he's going to in no way be as well as MJ was once. Besides the one purpose why kobe can surpass MJ is on the grounds that MJ screwed up and got here again to play for the wizards, and MJ was once manner smarter than Kobe on the grounds that Kobe could not make it in tuition (as a scholar) in contrast to MJ who went to tuition, and that's why I suppose he's the GM of the Bobcats proper now.
2007-05-12 03:04:08 UTC
Let's put it this way... I HATE Kobe. However he is a good player. I say the Lakers (my least favorite team) should try to pick up a good free agent or trade for someone. Kobe can't carry that team alone.
dan syrup
2007-05-11 22:56:07 UTC
Kobe has played phenomenally all season. When he passes people say he needs to take over the game. When he takes over the game people say he should pass.

Nobody likes him because he exudes negativity but he is probably the most talented player in the NBA.
2007-05-11 22:56:51 UTC
They left becuse the love-affair kobe and jerry buss are having is costing buss 170+ million. Fisher and Horry couldn't get paid with that crap going on.If the Lakers want to win it all, they'll need a great PG and a great offensive rebounder.
ricky g
2007-05-11 23:35:45 UTC
Kobe is the best player in the league he should be MVP but politics stop that. When you kiss the right butt that must be when you get MVP because it is not like it used to be when the best player won it, if that was true Kobe will be on number 4 or 5 right now
2007-05-11 22:59:40 UTC
lol. Kobe in overated? This dude is under rated are u crazy.......

you obviously dnt kno basketball. he dnt have any team around him and still they made it to the playoffs.... wade is overated because he cant shot and lebron is overated also. Kobe Bryant and Melo are the two best players in the league and if u are a T mac fan lets remember than he never even made it to the secound round of the playoffs all his long career. think about these things before u run ur mouth.. To me KOBE is better than Michael Jordan he just needs some more rings.....
2007-05-11 23:33:34 UTC
Who is Kobe supposed to pass to?

His team isn't totally reliable.

He's averages 5.4 assists per game.

Thats the 22nd in the NBA.

They won't trade Kobe, he's the face of the Lakers. are you dumb?
2007-05-12 01:40:23 UTC
What's to hate on? Kobe is looking for someone to choke. He is a spectator right now, just like all of us.

The only reasons Kobe is still in L.A. and Shaq is gone is that Laker fans will pay the $750.00 for regular season floor seats to see Kobe. They were not going to do that for Shaq win or lose because Shaq was getting older. If you don't think Jerry Buss knows that, then you don't know why he stinking rich.

Kobe "should be" much more effective than he is. Kobe is "good" maybe even in "great" at times but Michael Jordan he is NOT. LIKE IT OR NOT Kobe has to draw attention from the defense and pass out of the double team. That is the way the ball bounces. It was good enough for Jordan, why isn't it good enough for Kobe?

The Lakers winning percentage is HIGHER when Kobe is on injured reserve than when he is actually on the floor and "healthy". Name me ONE great NBA player that you can say that about. It's okay... I have time... I'll wait.

You put a GREAT PLAYER on a SAD TEAM and they are still dangerous in the playoffs.

Jordan NEVER shot 35% in ANY big game. I've seen Kobe do that.

The Bulls NEVER missed the playoffs when Jordan was there and please believe Jordan played on some SORRY teams early on.

The Lakers have only missed the playoffs 5 times since 1948. Kobe was on one of those teams. Magic WAS NOT.

I don't know when it became "cool" to shoot 45% from the field but "okay", if you guys say so then it is "good" by that measure then Adrian Dantley must be Jesus since he shot 54% from the field LIFETIME. For that matter, so did Charles Barkley. Magic shot 52%. Every player I consider "great" scorer shot 48% or better from the field. Kobe NEVER has shot that well for a whole season. Let's not even discuss his career! Even when Kobe and Shaq were winning championships his shooting percentage NEVER approached 48% for a whole season. I don't want to hear any MOANING about "supporting cast" at that time. I don't want to hear how young he was either because Jordan was breaking fools off SO PROPERLY at 23 years of age...

I remember clearly what Phil Jackson was doing during the Lakers championship runs. I watched as many of those games as I could on TV. During any given game Phil would leave Kobe in until they were down by 8. Then, he would yank Kobe's wild shooting behind out of the game and put Ron Harper in. The Lakers would get back up by 8 and then Kobe would go back in. This went on, quarter after quarter, season after season. IT WAS MADDENING! I KNOW CAUSE I WATCHED THE DAMNED GAMES! Then you would turn on SportsCenter and they would make Kobe look like a damned superhero. Of course, that is what they are paid to do. No one wants to see the "lowlights" of Kobe being triple teamed while shooting an 18 footer.

That is when I stopped believing Kobe would ever be the leader of a great team. I saw that he would always be erratic until he found a way to get his teammates easy shots and stop slopping up those crazy shots over triple teams.

If I was Shaq, Kobe might have gotten socked up a long time ago.

Many feel that Pistol Pete was one of the "greatest" ever and they make the same argument you folks are making for Kobe now. "Supporting cast" yada yada yada. Kobe has tried to shoot over too many double and triple teams for "my taste".

I doubt Kobe will ever win another championship as a starter. I am just giving you my honest opinion as I DON'T CARE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER because so much NBA basketball today is play with a lack of respect for fundamentals I find it completely unwatchable. To watch grown men get spun around like ballerinas because they never learned how to play the game right is a CRYING SHAME.

I remember Hubie Brown speaking about a conversation he overheard between Julius Erving and Kobe Bryant. "You have those small hands just like your Dad". Julius Erving (Dr. J) and Joe Bryant (Kobe's dad) were teammates in Philadelphia. This, I feel is the reason Kobe does not get off many of the same shots MJ, Dr. J and D. Wilkins et. al. were able to get off in traffic in the paint. Kobe falls ALOT in traffic in the paint.

Why bother listening to me. Wear your rose colored glasses until Kobe retires. I don't have to make "excuses" for any of my heroes.
2007-05-12 05:30:45 UTC
yeah. they replaced horry and fisher with relative unknowns. maybe after ten years, that team would get better, and kobe will final be MVP. after 10 YEARS!
2007-05-12 00:46:59 UTC
overrated ... hes underrated !! He lead his team to the playoffs twice when they needed him, his team is also injured. He was also the allstar mvp of 2007 so tell me why hes so overrated. To get rid of kobe for a pg is ridiculous, getting rid of the best player on a team is like getting rid of michael jordan for smush parker.
2007-05-11 22:56:20 UTC
r u kidding me? w/o kobe the lakers r nothing. i dont like kobe but come on. they aint stupid. who the fuuck in their right minds would trade kobe for derrick fisher or robert horry?? lmao hahahaha. ur a funny guy. CARMELO ANTHONY IS THE BEST!!!!!
Kevin N
2007-05-11 22:56:07 UTC
Base on your last post, tha shiznit homeslice

You are the biggest ***** dumbass in here by far. You are close to that one other kid that makes 10+ Kobe posts per day, actually you might be ahead of him for being more than a dumbass

lol trade Kobe for VINCE CARTER? LOL!? are you ***** stupid? or just plain retarded, do you even know waht ur saying? Trade Kobe For Kidd? LMFAOOO! this kid is a true dumbasss,

I am still laughing at how you can compare vince carter to Kobe, dumb moron, you say kobe can't distribute? WTf KObe average 5.4 Assist this season, Vince carter average less than 4 assist this season, you are so stupid lol, you don't know know your facts right, your basically saying Trade The Best for The Rest

Just because is best, ahh I'm not in a mood to argue with another dumbasss so nty

The Lakers need to get a PowerForward like Kevin Garnett

They need to get rid of Kwame Brown and bring in someone that isn't afraid to play hard. Kwame Brown might be as dumb as "tha shiznit homeslice"
2007-05-11 22:57:34 UTC
Kobe Bryant is not overrated. He is the best and everyone knows it. If he had good consistent teamnates he would pass the ball more. But come on 31.6 ppg 5.7 rebs and 5.4 assists those stats are mirror of michael jordan.
2007-05-12 01:14:44 UTC
I do agree that Kobe Bryant is totally overrated.
David B
2007-05-11 23:42:10 UTC
No. He is the best player in the game. Period. I hate the guy. I hate the Lakers. Doesn't matter. He is the best player currently in the NBA.
2007-05-11 22:55:30 UTC
HELL YES, i do agree w/ you. Even though i'm a lakers fan. Kobe should pass the ball at times. I'm more of a Warriors fan though, been w/ them for a long time.
2007-05-13 13:21:46 UTC

BTW, is this 407? Because if it is this is 401. What's happening my guy?
2007-05-11 23:06:01 UTC
Quit hatin'. All I can say is ALL STAR GAME MVP! Hellllo!
2007-05-11 22:55:38 UTC
yes he is no
2007-05-15 05:31:10 UTC
hell yeah.....ballhog rapist

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