while i play a lotta basketball, i've never played in an organized league where players are designated positions and teams and such.
but playing in pickup games, i've come across my share of those guys that bring the ball up only to shoot it right away much like a shoot-first point guard.
it's honestly 50/50 for me. it is, at times, frustrating to run down the court on offense only to run back right away on defense because the guy bringing the ball up shoots as soon as he can at the top of the key and misses.
but at the same time, my playing style has always been about just filling up the stats with at least 2 in each. kinda like a role player.
i don't care about being the "best on the team" so long as my team won. sometimes i am, sometimes i'm not, but a win is what matters most.
that said, there's been a handful of times where i've stopped the guy from doing what he does.
the simplest way is to be the guy throwing in the inbound pass. the SF-PG will obviously want the ball so what do you do? give it to a different guy.