Is KG better than LBJ?
2006-02-16 20:44:10 UTC
Is KG better than LBJ?
Nine answers:
2006-02-17 10:01:03 UTC
Yes. He's just a better person and player.

Remember that E-40 and Too Short song with Jodeci, "Player's Ball?"

E-40 says, "Don't buy an 85,000 car before you buy a house."

Well, the first thing LeBron did was buy the biggest SUV he could find while his mama still lived in the projects.

Also, LeBron has a tatoo that goes from shoulder to shoulder on his back that says Chosen One. He's lucky he didn't sprain his ankle in high school. Then people would be asking him his whole life, why he has that stupid tattoo when he just cleans toilets for a living.

Meanwhile KG is adopting kids and leading by example. Unlike LeBron and Kobe and these other egotistical bastards, he doesn't refer to his teammates as his supporting cast.

KG has only played with four good players his entire career: Szcerbiak, Cassell, Gugliotta, and Peeler.

Yet he's made the playoffs 9 out of 10 times.

KG is also better at getting away with travelling.
2006-02-17 06:15:54 UTC
I think theyr'e nearly equal. LBJ has the advantage outside with moves to get past his defender and a perimeter shot while KG has the advantage inside with his post moves and strength. But they both have a little of everything, for example as I said earlier LBJ has the advantage outside but he is also strong enough to play an inside game while KG has the advantage inside he is also capable of playing around the perimeter because of his good outside shot and ballhandling skills. Theyr'e both equally amazing and just because LBJ is having the better year doesn't mean he's better than KG, Try comparing the LBJ now to the KG two seasons ago.
2006-02-16 21:59:08 UTC
Hell No LBJ is definitely better
2006-02-16 20:47:07 UTC
hell yes kg will pac lbj any day
2006-02-17 11:47:29 UTC
Not this year.
2006-02-17 01:08:17 UTC
lebron is better for scoring,assits and energy kg is better for rebounds and defense
Mr. Richard
2006-02-16 21:20:43 UTC
No, LeBron James actually is succeeding.
2006-02-17 10:52:14 UTC
NO!!!!!!!!! Lebron is better from the perimeter, dunking, assisting, triple doubling, double doubling, and defense.
2006-02-17 04:19:26 UTC

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